If you think Zylotrim is the elusive magic pill that will allow you to eat whatever you want, never exercise and still shed the pounds, you may as well stop reading now. In fact, you may as well stop browsing the web, because it doesn't exist.
Of course, you'd never think so reading the advertising hype for Zylotrim. Anyone gullible enough to swallow their claims would swear they'd uncovered the holy grail of diet aids.
The dubious makers of Zylotrim is a company by the name of Obesity Research Institute LLC. They also make Fiberthin, Lipozene and Propolene all weight loss products. Obesity Research Institute LLC was recently fined 1.5 million dollars for making misleading weight-loss claims. The federal trade commission has received numerous complaints about the products manufactured by this company. And hundreds of consumer complains file with the Nevada Better Business Bureau.
What Is Zylotrim?
It is very diffiuclt to tell what is actually in Zylotrim. The ingredients in the product are not found anywhere on the website. Even when you call their customer service number, you can't get a straight answer. The only thing they can tell you is that the ingredient is a compound derived from a yam in Latin America. This compound is supposed to increase fat burning enzymes in your body to increase your fat burning potential by 200%. There is "clinical evidence" in Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals magazine. Unfortunately, there is no information on this magazine or that this magazine even exists. It seems that this company is up to its old tricks that landed them in hot water previously.
What Diet Pills Are Truly Effective?
If you shop for such products in a health store or pharmacy or on the Internet, you'll find hundreds of different brands containing a confusing array of ingredients. You may be tempted to experiment with different diet aids until you find one that works. But this approach may be expensive. The health magazine Consumer Health Digest had a great review on diet pills and their actual effectiveness in a recent feature, the results are quite surprising . Click on this link to read their review:
Consumer Health Digest Review
Of course, you'd never think so reading the advertising hype for Zylotrim. Anyone gullible enough to swallow their claims would swear they'd uncovered the holy grail of diet aids.
The dubious makers of Zylotrim is a company by the name of Obesity Research Institute LLC. They also make Fiberthin, Lipozene and Propolene all weight loss products. Obesity Research Institute LLC was recently fined 1.5 million dollars for making misleading weight-loss claims. The federal trade commission has received numerous complaints about the products manufactured by this company. And hundreds of consumer complains file with the Nevada Better Business Bureau.
What Is Zylotrim?
It is very diffiuclt to tell what is actually in Zylotrim. The ingredients in the product are not found anywhere on the website. Even when you call their customer service number, you can't get a straight answer. The only thing they can tell you is that the ingredient is a compound derived from a yam in Latin America. This compound is supposed to increase fat burning enzymes in your body to increase your fat burning potential by 200%. There is "clinical evidence" in Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals magazine. Unfortunately, there is no information on this magazine or that this magazine even exists. It seems that this company is up to its old tricks that landed them in hot water previously.
What Diet Pills Are Truly Effective?
If you shop for such products in a health store or pharmacy or on the Internet, you'll find hundreds of different brands containing a confusing array of ingredients. You may be tempted to experiment with different diet aids until you find one that works. But this approach may be expensive. The health magazine Consumer Health Digest had a great review on diet pills and their actual effectiveness in a recent feature, the results are quite surprising . Click on this link to read their review:
Consumer Health Digest Review